The Early Years Foundation Stage




Welcome and Thank You for choosing St Peter's CE Primary School. We are looking forward to welcoming your child into our school family.

On this page you will find all the information you need about the Early Years class and answer any questions you may have. We have enjoyed meeting so many parents on our busy school tours. If you would like a tour of our excellent facilities during school time, please contact the school office.

What and how do children learn in the Early Years?

The Early Years curriculum is called the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. It sets out seven areas of learning and development.

The prime areas of learning are:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development

The specific areas of learning are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

These seven areas are used to plan your child’s learning activities.

There are three characteristics of effective teaching and learning that are key elements in the Early Years Foundation Stage. They detail the ways in which children should learn. All children should display these characteristics every day:

  • Playing and exploring
  • Active learning
  • Creating and thinking critically

At the end of the EYFS – in the summer term of the Reception year in school – the teacher completes an assessment which is known as the EYFS Profile. This assessment is carried out by the class teacher and is based on what they, and other staff caring for your child, have observed over a period of time.

It states whether your child has reached expected levels in the seven areas of learning at the end of the Reception year. These expectations are called the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). 

What happens in the Early Years at St Peters?

The Early Years at St Peters consists of one 30 place Reception class. The high-quality environment ensures that all children develop their independent play skills by supporting each other, and as a result, all of our children achieve the best outcomes at the end of their early years journey. We have been able to develop the provision that we offer over the past few years, to ensure that we provide the best experiences for your child. The outstanding environment ensures that all children meet their full potential from their individual starting points, as practitioners reflect on how each area of provision can support and meet your child’s personal needs.

One of the EYFS effective feaures of good practise is 'Parents as Partners'. We welcome parents to St Peters and value your support and communication. We use Tapestry, an online learning journal, to keep you informed of your child's learning and involved in school life. 

We have two stimulating learning environments that all children in their Early Years access throughout the day; the Reception classroom and the Outdoor learning garden.

There is additional information attached below. 

Have a look at the photographs of the EYFS engaging environments;

Please see the Reception Class page for more specific day-to-day information.






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St Peters C of E Primary School, Birley St, Newton-le-Willows, WA12 9UR