Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Ainsworth

Mrs Bebbington



"The child grew and became strong in body, mind and spirit."


Welcome to Year Two

Mrs Ainsworth (Monday - Thursday), Mrs Eves (Friday) and Mrs Bebbington are our class teachers. Mrs Harrison is our HLTA in class on a Wednesday.


In Year 2, we have embedded the COURAGE CURRICULUM into our school ethos, and it is interwoven into all aspects of our school life.

CULTURE: We promote our Christian ethos in daily worships and RE lessons. We look at the historical importance of our local area.

ORACY: In lessons we have discussions and debates. We are able to express our own ideas and opinions.

UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD: We look at real life problems in maths lessons and attend educational trips. These trips consolidate our learning and give our children real life experiences.

READING: We have a new, whole school library area which is beautifully presented and well stocked. Children are able to visit the library once a week to swap their books.

ARTS: We have opportunities to perform and act in music, PE and art lessons. We also have our big Nativity performance at Christmas time. 

GROWTH: All of us in Year 2 experience the growth mindset learning pit. With perseverance and determination, we manage to overcome our difficult challenges. Jigsaw lessons help us to learn more about oursleves; our stengths and our weaknesses.

ENQUIRY: We carry out many enquiries in Year 2. We complete science enquiries and investigations and make geographical enquiries.



Year 2 will receive daily Phonics/Spellings sessions and weekly Guided Group reading sessions with an adult. Children need to bring in  their reading folder each day. Home books can be changed on Mondays and Thursdays. 


What are we learning in Year Two?

This half-term in our English Pathways to Read, we are reading Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox.

 Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl - Penguin Books Australia

In our Writing lessons, we will begin with a unit of poetry before moving on to The Last Wolf by Mini Grey.

The Last Wolf by Mini Grey - Penguin Books New Zealand


In Maths we will be working on Length and Height before moving on to Mass, Capacity and Temperature. The Times Table test will be delivered on a Monday and Spelling test on a Tuesday.


PE will continue to be on a Thursday.


Water Bottles

Please make sure that your child brings a bottle of water into school. The bottles will be sent home at the end of the school day to be refilled.


Marvellous Me.

Please download the Marvellous Me app, it is a great way for us to keep in touch and share what your child is doing in school. Click on the picture below for more details on how to join. In Year 2, we share lots of information via this method, so please check weekly.





Here at St. Peter's we follow the Oxford Reading Tree scheme.

See the source image

These books follow and progress at the same rate as our phonics scheme.

See the source image

Reading for pleasure

To encourage reading for pleasure, your child will choose a book from our class library. This book may not be fully decodable to your child however with your support at home the book will become accessible and allow them to experience a book of their interests. This can be changed at any time and there is no expectation on how many times this is read. 

National Curriculum for Year 2

The link below will take you to a website that will allow you to see the National Curriculum objectives for Year 2 as well as the objectives for the end of Key Stage 1.


Files to Download

Year 2: Gallery items

St Peters C of E Primary School, Birley St, Newton-le-Willows, WA12 9UR