Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Bebbington
Mrs Colley
Welcome to Year 4
Mrs Bebbington & Miss Butt
'The child grew and became strong in body, mind and spirit.'
At St. Peter’s C.E. in Year 4 we embed the COURAGE CURRICULUM into our school ethos, and it is interwoven into all aspects of our school life.
CULTURE: We promote our Christian ethos in daily worships and RE lessons. We look at the historical importance of our local area.
ORACY: In lessons we have discussions and debates. We are able to express our own ideas and opinions.
UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD: We look at real life problems in maths lessons. We attend educational trips which consolidate our learning and give our children real life experiences.
READING: We have been lucky to have a new library this year. Reading is a big part of our learning. The children can swap their books in the library, each week.
ARTS: We have opportunities to perform and act in music, PE and art lessons.
GROWTH: All of us in year 4 experience the growth mindset learning pit. With perseverance and determination, we manage to overcome our difficult challenges. Jigsaw lessons help us to grow.
ENQUIRY: We carry out many enquiries in Year 4. We complete science enquiries and investigations and make geographical enquiries.
In English, we will begin the term with a Poetry unit writing our own Cinquain (pronounced San Kane) poems. The children will then learn through the use of Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit.
In Maths, we will move onto our second unit of work on Multiplication and Division before learning about Length and Perimeter.
Homework is now on Century Tech. Children should spend a minimum of 30 minutes a week completing nuggets or activities on their recommended pathway. In Year 4, children will receive two maths nuggets one week with one English nugget, and then the opposite ratio the following week.
Spellings & Times tables tests
The spelling tests will be on a Monday and times tables test on a Friday.
Each child has a reading book to bring home. They should read each day and update their reading records. Please listen to your child read and it would be great if you could ask them questions to support comprehension.
P.E. will continue to be on a Friday, please send your child in wearing their P.E. kit. This half term we will be focusing on Football. These lessons will be outside whereer possible, so ensure warm joggers and hoodies are worn, as always these should be labelled with your child's name.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Click on the image below to practice your times tables. Your child should spend a minimum of 30 mninutes per week on this to give them a sound knowledge of Times Tables.
Multiplication Check Assessment Websites:
Useful websites to help develop Maths skills:
Useful websites to help develop English skills: