Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mr Moorcroft


Welcome to Year 1

"The child grew and became strong in body, mind and spirit."


Mr. Moorcroft- Class Teacher

Mrs. Miller- Teaching assistant 

Mrs. Chorley- Teaching assistant

Contact us:






At St. Peter’s C.E. in Year 1 we have embedded the COURAGE CURRICULUM into our school ethos, and it is interwoven into all aspects of our school life.

CULTURE: We have promoted our Christian ethos in daily worships and RE lessons. We have looked at the historical importance of our local area. We also explore different cultures and religions around the world.

ORACY: In lessons we have had discussions and debates. We have been able to express our own ideas and opinions. We practice reading outline fluenty and with expression. Each of us has the opportunity to deliver a class worship to our parents and carers. 

UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD: We have looked at real life problems in maths lessons. We have attended educational trips to the Newton Library, St. Peter's Church, and our Geogrpahy fieldwork trip to Southport.These trips have consolidated our learning and give our children real life experiences.

READING: We have been lucky to have a new library this year. Reading has been a big part of our learning. Every Friday, Year 1 can visit their the library. We have a large in class reading corner that children access every day for quiet reading time and to select their reading for pleasure books to take home.  

ARTS: We have had opportunities to perform and act in music, PE and art lessons.

GROWTH: All of us in Year 1 have experienced the growth mindset learning pit. With perseverance and determination, we have managed to overcome our difficult challenges. Jigsaw lessons help us to learn more about oursleves; our stengths and our weaknesses.

ENQUIRY: We have carried out many enquiries in Year 1. We have completed science enquiries and investigations and geographical enquiries.



What are we learning about?

Please look at our class newsletter to find out what exciting things we are learning about this half term.



Goldilocks and Just the One Bear - Nosy Crow


A twist on a well known fairytale, a lost little bear wonders into Snooty Towers and made himself very much at home. 


We are currently learning about fractions before moving on to time and money.


In science, we are learning about 'What is Alive?'. We are learning about our local wildlife and plant life. 


Within our History lessons, we are comparing two amazing nurses that shaped modern medicine as we know it. Children will be looking at Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.

Religious Education

We will be learning about Jesus and the birth of Christianity. Our unit is called 'Jesus- My World'. 

Jigsaw  (PSHE) 

Our new learning is all about relationships. Thank you to the parents that joined Mrs. Harrison and myself in the Jigsaw 'RSE'. We are looking at our bodies. Please see the plans and information sent to you. 


Learning Pit and Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset is key to building resilient children that persevere when faced with a challege. We encourage the children to work on obstacles that they are faced with and face each challenge with vigour and positivity. 

Bwlow is our class learning pit. We put this together as a class to ensure the children had a strong understanding of what the learning pit is and the processes and steps we take to ensure we climb out of the learning pit. 

learning pit.jpg




Our homework this half term allows your child to have a choice of activity which will support our in class learning. Please choose one of these activities weekly. You will also receive either a piece of writing or maths homework each week. We will also be sending home a resource to support you and your child in consolidating their phonics learning that week. These will be in their red phonics books. 

Homework (blue book) will be sent home on Friday to be returned the following Thursday. 


                                                                   els sheet.JPG

When can we share our news?

Show and Tell will be throughout the week at the end of the day. Please send items of interest (awards, certificates, interesting objects etc.) Please avoid sending toys in for Show and Tell.


When will we need to be our P.E kit?

Our P.E lessons will take place each Wedneday afternoon, please ensure your child arrives to school in their P.E kit. Please ensure your child brings their water bottle. 

Primary PE Planning


What can you do at home to help?

Please read with your child regularly throughout the week.

Please complete homework ready to be returned for the following Thursday.

Practise the weekly spellings regularly at home ready for the spelling check each Friday. 

Practise phonics at home (take a look at the links below)

Reading for pleasure books have been sent home with your child. These books are for you to read with or to your child for their enjoyment. They are not expected to be able to fully access these books independently. School reading books provided will be at our child's correct phonetic ability. 



What does your child need each day?

Children should bring a water bottle to school each day.

A free fruit snack is available for in the morning, children are also welcome to bring their own snack in from home. If your children brings their own snack into school please ensure it is a healthy choice.

Please remember we are a NUT FREE school.

Please ensure your child's reading folder is returned to school each day. 

Please ensure clothing and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name. 


P.E and Sports

P.E this half term will take place on a Friday.

Year 1 will need to arrive in their kit.



Please keep an eye on our galleries at the bottom.

These are regularly added to to share events and activities we do in class.




Here at St. Peter's we follow the Oxford Reading Tree scheme.

See the source image

These books follow and progress at the same rate as our phonics scheme.


Reading for pleasure

To encourage reading for pleasure, your child will choose a book from our class library. This book may not be fully decodable to your child however with your support at home the book will become accessible and allow them to experience a book of their interests. This can be changed at any time and there is no expectation on how many times this is read. 


Want to read more at home? Join up to Oxford Owls for free and find your child's reading level.



Scroll down to 'Get Reading' and access online reading books.

Get reading.PNG

As a school, we follow Essential Letters and Sounds. Please take a look at there website below. 

See the source image

Click the cloud to find out more about ELS and how you can help your child at home

Please encourage your child to read daily and complete their reading record. 


Take a look at the Kid's Lingo club. Children learn to speak French from Year 1 to Year 6.




How will I keep in touch?


Please download MarvellousMe, regular messages, notices and celebrations are sent to keep you up to date with the latest news in Year 1/2. We love to share great examples of the children's work using this resource. 


Click on the useful links below.


Meet Jigsaw Jack and Jerrie Cat! Jack supports our learning during our PSHE lessons. Our current unit of work is 'Being Me'

Click on the links below.



Want to practise your phonics at home?

Take a look at these websites, there are lots of fun games and activities for you and your child to play. We are currently covering Phase 5 sounds, don't forget to practise your harder to read and spell words too (Harder to read and spell lists are attached below).


Click on the links below.




Why not check out these websites to help your child with their maths at home. 

  Top Marks Numeracy games – Borestone Primary School  

   Lockdown lessons for homeschooling - BBC Bitesize



Oak Academy News image - 1110 x 400.jpg


Feel free to come and discuss any items further with Mr. Moorcroft, Mrs. Chorley or Mrs. Miller before or after school.


Files to Download

St Peters C of E Primary School, Birley St, Newton-le-Willows, WA12 9UR