Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Eves

Mrs Colley

Welcome to Spring Term


"The child grew and became strong in body, mind and spirit."

Year 3 staff:

Ms. Eves (Tuesday-Friday)

Mrs. Colley (Monday)

Miss Hughes (PPA cover)

Mrs. Carruthers (Teaching Assistant am) Mrs Ridley (Teaching Assistant pm)   


At St. Peter’s C.E. in Year 3 we  embed the COURAGE CURRICULUM into our school ethos, and it is interwoven into all aspects of our school life.

CULTURE: We  promote our Christian ethos in daily worships and RE lessons. We look at the historical importance of our local area.

ORACY: In lessons we have  discussions and debates. We are able to express our own ideas and opinions.

UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD: We  look at real life problems in maths lessons. We  attended educational trips to the library to learn about our local area, a museum to develop our understanding of the Egyptians and Chester Grosvenor museum to learn about life during the Roman times. These trips  consolidate our learning and give our children real life experiences.

READING: We are lucky to have a lovley, well stocked whole school librbaryr. Reading is a big part of our learning. Every Thursday, Year 3 can swap their books in the library. 

ARTS: We have had opportunities to perform and act in music, PE, English and Art lessons.

GROWTH: All of us in year 3 have experienced the growth mindset learning pit. With perseverance and determination, we have managed to overcome our difficult challenges. Jigsaw lessons lessons and worships have helped us to grow.

ENQUIRY: We have carried out many enquiries in Year 3. We have completed science enquiries and investigations and made geographical enquiries.


This term we will be using the book "Big Blue Whale" in English.

Big Blue Whale.jpg


In Maths we will be looking at Lenght and Perimeter followed by Fractions. 



In Science we will be focusing on Biology and we will be learning "Do living things need different things to survive? Biology.jfif

It's History this half term and we will be learning about Ancient Egypt. 


PE will be on Tuesday's this half term and we will be playing Kwik Cricket outdoors.


Spelling and multiplication tests will be on Fridays (weekly spelling lists can be found in the files section)- please practice these with your children before the test (there are links below to some fun websites which will help with this).


               Do you know these times tables?

Year 2                 Year 3

x2     x5     x10          x3     x4      x8


Times Table Rock Stars.

 Year 3 children can use TT Rockstars to help with rapid recall of  their x-tables and try to become a ROCK LEGEND! (Click below for a sneak preview)


Marvellous Me.

Please download the Marvellous Me app, it is a great way for us to keep in touch and share what your child is doing in school. Click on the picture below for more details on how to join.

marvellous me.png



Year 3 will receive a paper copy of each week's homework until Century Tech is up and running. Homework will alternate each week between Maths and English. It is expected to be completed by the following Wednesday. Children should also be reading three times weekly as well as accessing their times tables on TTRockstars 

Useful websites to help develop Maths Skills:

Useful website to help develop English Skills:


Files to Download

St Peters C of E Primary School, Birley St, Newton-le-Willows, WA12 9UR